Thanksgiving Grace

No spring nor summer beauty hath such Grace as I have seen in one autumnal face.

John Donne

It’s been years since I’ve hosted my family and friends in the joys of Thanksgiving. My holidays growing up were always full of laughter and large gatherings, my parents sharing their blessings with those we loved. 

Earlier this week, during my home preparations, I crossed a passage in my daily-devotional Faith Matters by Pastor Leith Anderson. The entry A Simple Lunch spoke to the joys of welcoming, sharing, and helping others. It reminded me of holidays from my past and how I see those same traditions of sharing now carry forward in my own beautiful, grown children. 

I share Pastor Anderson’s prayer with you as grace for Thanksgiving, remembering others as God’s love always remembers us.

Thank you, Father, for our daily bread. You are a generous provider who faithfully feeds me. Often I take my food for granted and easily forget the hunger of others. Thank you for what is on my plate. Bless and feed those whose plates are empty this day. Amen.

photo credit: Lehman/Moore Family Thanksgiving 1967, Moore Family Album

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