Feast of St Francis

Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi – October 4th.

Friar, teacher, philosopher, and mystic, beloved Saint Francis of Assisi is recognized worldwide for his teachings on peace, devotion, and charity. This day reflects his respect for nature, his fellow man, and the practice of blessing animals in honor of his ‘Canticle of Creatures.’

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”

– St. Francis of Assisi

Hope represents a single candlelight that burns for eternity. Hope reminds us to never give up on each other. Hope reminds us never to give up on ourselves. There are some people who are faced with tragedies so sever that we can no way comprehend what they are experiencing. But, maybe it is best we do not understand what they are feeling. Energetically speaking, perhaps it would be more beneficial if we discharged healing energies instead pain and sorrow. Call it meditation, pray or ceremony. Refer to it as you wish. In the end, the results are the same. We are asking for a dire situation to improve for someone we care about. We are asking the spirits of those we love to be lifted so their bodies and souls can start to mend.

So tonight, lets close our eyes and send out collective healing energies for those who are facing challenges. Together with our love and support, we can help others focus on that one single candle light in the darkness.

We have the power of collective thought. And it is one of the most underused and powerful gifts we have. What would it be like if we all closed our eyes for a minute and collectively sent out health and wellness to all around the world. When tragedy falls upon a family, our first instinct is to say, “I am sorry,” and, “please let me know if there is anything I can do.” We are extraordinary beings who have the power to change the future with one thought.

photo credit: Jo Ann Fenstermacher

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Amateur photographer; lover of spa and travel.
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