Changing Seasons

A change of seasons is always a perfect time to refresh the look and feel of your home. Transitioning your interior decor from summer to fall is as simple as updating its colors, adding textures, and creating a mood.


Earthy shades and warm jewel tones in bedding, throw rugs, pillows, and decorative accessories will welcome the new season without a hefty price tag. Warm hues of brown, amber and deep greens top the list for color style trends. 

Earth tones and layered textures easily updates a home from summer to fall.


Mixed textiles are also on point, so consider purchasing plush velvets, heavy knits, flannels, and soft linen materials. Bring outdoor elements indoors for display, such as greens in a vase, leaves to frame, and placing rustic kindling stacks. Florals of white, gold, orange, and purple or dried decorative arrangements will incorporate autumn’s colors and natural texture throughout your home.  

Bring the outdoors inside to decorate. Experiment with contrast of color and texture.


Staging mood implements use of both color and texture, plus a touch of ambience. Lighting is key. Sunlight filtered by curtain sheers is elegant for daytime as candles, lanterns, edison lights, or updated lampshades in warm colors offer cozy results at night. Gold, brass, and polished copper reflex warmly, making them excellent accent pieces. For a deeper investment, consider wall space in dark, bold, warm colors such as chocolate, eggplant or emerald green. These defining colors provide visual drama. 

photo credits: pixabay: Anna LIsa, pexels: Monstera, pixabay: Amanda Elizabeth, unsplash: Mary Jane Duford, Erica Marsland Huynh

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Gather Event Planner, creator of beautiful spaces, animal lover.
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