Bring On The Bubbly

Wintertide – December 27th

Too much of anything is bad, but too much champagne is just right.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

A new year is on the horizon. Raise your glass with a toast!

For New Year’s Eve hosts, this pivotal moment can either finesse or flop. Champagne is everything, and everything at the stroke of midnight is about Champagne. How does a host ensure their only ball drop is the one in Times Square? 

Easy Steps for Serving The Perfect Champagne

Serve Fresh. Chilled with ice, water, and salt in a champagne bucket for approximately 20 minutes. Never serve cold.

The Glass. Flutes are best. The long necks allow for the enjoyment of the vintage aromas. Glasses must be cleaned with hot water and leave no residue for bubbles to rise upward. 

No Pop. Champagne should uncork with a confident, slight pull and then twist. Its opening sounds like a breath escaping, not backfire.

The Pour. Fill a glass in two stages with a separating pause and only by two-thirds full, so bubbles do not overspill.

The Setting. Best served wrapped in white. Champagne creates an elegant palette of natural colors from gold to blush.  

The Mood. Learn the history of your wine selection for conversation starters. Pair your Champagne with lite fare known to enhance the sipping experience. Enjoy along with your guests, they will feed off your enthusiasm.

photo credit: unsplash Mads Eneqvist

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