Boxing Day

Wintertide – December 26th

The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.

Helen Keller

In medieval times, Christmas began twelve festive days called Christmastide or Twelvetide (the Twelve Days of Christmas.) The Feast of Saint Stephen on December 26th recognized the Christian martyr and evolved to celebrate acts of charity and thoughtful gestures. During the Victorian Era, her Royal Highness authorized a day rewarding the hard work of the poorer class. By 1871, Boxing Day received an official designation in the British commonwealths. 

Boxing Day still shows appreciation towards the domestic and service industry and a modern touch of extending gratitude to all with sales incentives and great bargains for the holiday shopper in all of us.

“Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping.”

Gertrude Stein

On American soil, the landscape is different.

December 26th is endless lines at holiday return counters and slashed savings for those with cash left to burn. Wrong size, wrong color, wrong everything, no problem; shop fresher options at nearly half the price. Your golden ticket to ride is a gift receipt, a ton of patience, and comfy footwear.

Many happy returns!

photo credit: unsplash Kostianty Li

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