The Good that Awaits
But I believe we all have an inner goodness; a little flame that stays alight through the worst of trials.
Juliet Marillier
My weekends are similar to most of yours, pitting my needs against my wants and speculating if any of it will be completed on time. My past Saturday pitted my methodical chore tasking alongside anything else remotely interesting to do. I paced my to-do list with an anticipated mid-afternoon event. I could not be there, but via my tv remote, I could be a spectator in the audience, a roar in the crowd.
My last chore complete, I walked to my living room, raised the volume, and became enveloped in an experience halfway across country. I awaited my newly found heroine. Her entrance did not disappoint. We eyed her beauty, her story, her bid for perfection. Thousands in attendance, and thousands in witness like me, clamoring as she gave the standing ovation effort we craved. And in a horrible second, a drawn-out eternity, it ended in abrupt silence. Thousands were watching, yet not a sound. An emptiness resoundingly felt. Once time unfroze, we had lost our queen. Tragic, quick, and grotesque in cruelty.
I apologize for the lack of transparency. Out of respect, I prefer to be ambitious. Rather than exploit the incident, my commentary expands on its residual effect. We were mostly strangers, gathered on a common goal, and our connection at that moment was uncanny. We knew exactly how the other felt, what the other would want to say, or what the other’s next step should be. In this unexpected happening, we became like-minded suppliers of empathy, sympathy, and spontaneous consolers. We called on each other, texted, or messaged. We quickly found our underlying good nature and offered it willingly, without reserve or regret.
Insert any day, hero or heroine, morning, afternoon, or evening, whatever the specifics. It can be any unexplained plot twist that changes course and the telling moments of our response. I am an optimist. I believe good awaits in dark moments to heal and comfort indiscriminate. And I share this with our readers because they are a fall-loving army of greater-good seekers, givers, and doers. I’m privileged and grateful to be in your company.
Thank you, everyone, who chooses to be the Good that awaits.

photo credits in order: unsplash: Marek Studzinski, Sajad Nori.
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