Staying Hydrated

Because July is climatologically the hottest month of the year for the Earth as a whole, that makes July 2023 the hottest month since records have been kept and likely the hottest in 120,000 years…

Scientific American

It’s hot out there, literally the most sweltering summer on record. Global experts explain natural causes and other contributing factors (yes, they mean us) have created significant rises in overall temperature. The past seven years have been the earth’s hottest, with 2023 at the top of its list. Protect yourself from brutal, seasonal elements; avoid direct sun, seek shade, stay indoors whenever possible, and have plenty of liquids on hand. Be diligent to stay hydrated.

Drink(s) to Your Health

The adage of 8 glasses of water daily has been redefined as half your body weight in liquid ounces. In elevated heat and humidity, pour more in your glass to replace fluids lost due to perspiration or exertive activities.

The best hydration is water. Try fruit-infused varieties poured over ice.

The best hydration is water; plain, uncomplicated h2o. Adding lime and fresh basil, lemon and fresh mint, or sliced apple with pear plus cinnamon sticks are tasty, fruit-infused options. Avoid added sugar and allow the flavors to steep for at least 20 minutes before serving over ice.

Milk and Juice

Milk and fruit juice (minus the added sugar) are great for upping fluid intake. At over 90% water, Milk is an excellent alternative due to its lactose, protein, and fat that replace lost nutrients and is retained longer in the body. Orange, watermelon and even aloe vera juice provide benefits the body loses in excess heat.

Coffee and Tea

Served hot or iced, decaffeinated blends and herbal teas offer the best results. Caffeine’s diuretic properties rob the body rather than replenish when consumed in large amounts.

Popular Options In Moderation

Sports drinks and electrolyte waters replenish quickly, but too much for long durations. Coconut water, high in electrolytes, may produce a diuretic effect (not unlike apple, lemonade, and pineapple juices.) Sodas, even diet varieties, are of low value due to their sugar and artificially sweetened content. That goes for those sweetened energy drinks we all swear by, and adding the least to this conversation is alcohol, all kinds (a cold brewski is not just what the heat advisory doctor ordered, no matter how good it tastes.)

Skin, Hair, and Eye Care

Use sunscreens specific to either the face or body and always reapply as needed.

Our skin holds up to 30% water between the surface and underlying layers. Hypo-allergenic or gentle skin products and cosmetics, cool showers, and a humidifier at the bedside for 8 hours of sleep will help keep skin fresh. Avoid diuretic beverages, smoking, and reduce daily stress. Diets rich in vitamin C, E*, essential fatty acids, omega 3’s, omega 6’s, and zinc may boost collagen needed for repair. Topical applications of ceramides, hyaluronic acid, lipids, and fatty acids are beneficial, especially applied 30 minutes to the face before bedtime. Massage in body moisturizers and lotions with hyaluronic acid to moistened skin after bathing. Always use sunscreens specific to either the face or body. Coat lips with barrier balms, glosses, or lipsticks, and remember weekly exfoliation.

Hair and Eyes

Hair’s natural moisture, sebum, can fall short in inclement weather. Over-styling provides additional strain. Curls are the most susceptible. Choose haircare that contains plant oils. Coarse or thicker hair responds well to shea butter products. Lightweight conditioner alternatives are best for thin or aging hair. When conditioning, apply the product at the ends and move up the wet hair strands. Stop short of the scalp line. Resist rinsing hair in hot water. Leave once weekly hair masks or oil treatment on for extended periods (some up to 20 minutes) before rinsing.

Keep hair and scalp well conditioned. Choose specialized products designed the meet your unique needs.

Gentlemen’s facial hair and scalp health will need additional care. Proper fitting UV protective eyewear worn during strong daylight or glare is the rule. Ph balanced, preservative-free eye drops will keep vision clear and prevent chronic dry eye.

As this excessive heat continues, may we be safe, stay chill, and be helpful to each other. As of the posting of this article, it’s only 50 days until the cool breezes of Fall.  

*To prevent vitamin E toxicity, intake 1,000 mg or less daily between supplements and food 

photo credits in order: pexels: Andrea Piacquadio, Karolina Grabowska, unsplash: Batch by Wisconsin, Castlebeard Co.

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