Travel Log: Kanapaha Botanical Gardens

Tucked away in a beautiful college town, you will find an oasis for the mind, body and spirit called Kanapaha Botanical Gardens. 

For the past year, these gardens have been speaking to me in my dreams. After a chaotic week at work, I decided to take a mental holiday, leave the beaches behind and visit this agricultural wonder. 

When I pulled into the parking lot, I knew I was going to be in for a treat. After I parked under a tree, I walked to the welcome center and paid my admission fee. To my surprise, there was a wedding next to the labyrinth I so desperately needed to walk. As a bodyworker, I understood the importance of meditation and self-care. However, I don’t always practice what I preach. My goal was to submerge myself in the hypnotic twists and turns of this labyrinth. However, it was a bit of a challenge to surrender to this labyrinth. The reception music was thundering and the DJ was brassy. But, instead of resisting the beat, I decided to incorporate it in my walk. With pep in my step, I smiled and secretly frolicked in my labyrinth. While I was performing my dancing meditation, a groundskeeper rolled up in his golf cart and proceeded to clear the overgrown grass from my walkway. At first, I sighed and thought, “ Why is this man disrupting my Qi?” When I looked up at this young, handsome man, he smiled at me. All of a sudden, a surge of excitement woke me up. I could not shake his soft smile. With my head down, I decided to continue on my quest and complete my stroll. Eventually, I met up with my mesmeric landscaper again. He looked at me and said, “Hello!” It was quite obvious he was not going to move until I responded back. “Well, Good Morning,” I responded. Like the Cheshire Cat, he stood in front of me and grinned. I blushed and carried on. 

When I reached the last pathway, the bride and groom were being introduced as husband and wife. In a strange way, I felt as if I was being re-introduced back into the world at the same time. In a trance like state, I continued on my adventure into the gardens. From the yard art, to the bamboo gardens, Kanapaha Botanical Gardens can give you the world if you open your eyes and heart. If you want to escape from reality for a few hours, I highly recommend a visit to these gardens. You never know what signs these mystical gardens might send you! 

Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, located in Gainesville, Florida, offers rental space for functions and festivals throughout the year. October 22 & 23 is the annual Plant Sale and Orchid Show. The American Orchid Society will also present its award recipients at this free public event. For more information, visit

photo credit: Jo Ann Fenstermacher

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Amateur photographer; lover of spa and travel.
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