Lovin’ In The Oven

Baking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.

Harriet Van Horne

Food lovers know that baking is the quickest way to their hearts and that sweeter is better. Fast, delicious, with half the work and all the affection of a pie, is that tasty cousin, the fruit cobbler. Aka crisps or crumbles, these hug-filled shortcuts leave your intended targets wanting more.

Blueberry plum, rhubarb cherry hibiscus, ginger apple, spiced plum, and summer ale peach are a delicious named few. 

No one understands bakin’ lovin’ more than JOVITA. But when in her momma’s Florida kitchen, personal space issues come into play. Enjoy this episode of TALES OF JOVITA: THE ONE BUTT KITCHEN while preparing these recipes from FOOD52.

The One Butt Kitchen Tales of Jovita

Jovita wants to bake some goodies but her mother will not leave her alone in her one butt kitchen.

Humorist and improv talent, JOVITA, entertains with her humble, honest tellings of growing up southern in the Sunshine State. Mississippi Captivate:Tales of Jovita podcasts are on Spotify, Amazon Music, Player FM and Listennotes.com

photo credit: unsplashed Diliara Garifullina, Tales of Jovita ©2022 JA Fenstermacher

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Amateur photographer; lover of spa and travel.
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