If All Glows Well 2

Dem bones, dem bones, gonna walk around.

James Weldon Johnson & J. Rosamond Johnson

Glow-in-the-Dark Costume Update.
Level of difficulty 3 out of 5.

Our Mistress of Halloween, FALLON, continues her series, ‘If All Glows Well’. In this episode, she has updated her Day of the Dead costume to cast a ghostly ambience. She explains the technique using Tulip Glow Fabric Paint in a step-by-step video on her Querent Answers YouTube channel. 

FALLON provides step-by-step instruction for updating your costume with an otherworldly glow.
FALLON explains how to use glow-in-the-dark paint to update any costume.
This stunning Dia de los Muertos costume can become even more dimensional and enchanting in the dark…

photo credits: unsplash: Janko Ferli, Spooktacutlar Creations, FALLON & Querent Answers

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Official Mistress of Halloween. Tarot reader and natural beauty consultant.
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