
There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.


We tend to be our harshest critic. We often put ourselves down when we are unsure of ourselves and minimize our accomplishments when we go unrecognized. We often call someone a “liar” when they offer us a compliment and criticize ourselves if someone tells us we look nice.

From here on out, I want you to make a promise to yourself. I want you to stop doubting yourself, and start accepting everything that is wonderful about yourself. I want you to work on accepting compliments with gratitude and love. And when you start accepting the love of others, I want you to hold that love in your dantian and allow it to grow so strong that it rids your body of all doubt and insecurities.

I want you to replace the word “doubt” with “believe.” Believe in yourself and in all around you.

photo credit: Jo Ann Fenstermacher

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Amateur photographer; lover of spa and travel.
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