Back In Time

Take me away, I don’t mind,
You better promise me,
I’ll be back in time.

Huey Lewis and the News

Standard Time : November 6th, 2022.
2:00 AM EST. 
Turn Back One Hour. 

For decades, it has been the great, one-hour debate. Why is this hour so divisive? What is an hour, anyway? A wait at a popular restaurant? In line for a premier movie? Tiny glitches in holiday travel? Well worth our patience. This lost hour is small currency; unless you’re starving, want an upfront seat, or will miss an elusive connecting flight. Now, this hour is costing big.

Daylight Saving Time has fans and detractors. Endless arguments and scientific data support both pros and cons. I am a proponent of DST. I understand that makes me a sworn enemy to some of you. As a caregiver to a loved one with advancing dementia, extended daylight is a helpful aid in her care. There are countless studies of medical issues affected by DST, plus numerous investigations of its social and economic ramifications. Congress’s Sunshine Protection Act, making DST year-round, has passed in the Senate yet stalled in the House. Its fate remains in limbo.

So, love it or hate it, a last, late evening sky bows out this Saturday. Its exit brings an earlier dawn. For folks like me, it is coffee up and face the early morning music time. An upstream swim for certain, but only until March.

For the lovers of Standard Time, these next 4.5 months are for you. 


photo credit: unsplash Gashif Rheza

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Professional artist, syndicated cartoonist, coffee geek.
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